Tag Archives: mad max

Shaping reason from chaotic, Lovecraftian horror?

A picture from last year's Supanova convention room floor.

A picture from last year's Supanova convention room floor.

Hi, kids!

Well, enough small talk.  As some of you may know, I’ll be, with a bit of luck and proper flying, shambling into Australia for two appearances at their Supanova conventions.

They are as follows:

• Melbourne (March 28 & 29)

• Brisbane (April 4 & 5)

According to the website info I’m there each day for 8 hours a day, but considering I’ve never been any particular place for 8 hours nonstop in my entire life I’m hoping that’s just a horrible misprint.  If it’s not, I’m bringing molotov cocktails to fling into the crowd as I flee for the occasional break from whatever the hell a person does for 8 hours at a convention.

Anyhow, I’m as excited about visiting Australia-land about as much as I am equally terrified of the insane amount of time it will take rocketing through the sky in an explosive can to get there.  Beyond that, short of being devoured by crocodiles in my hotel room or realizing I’ve been suckered into a furry convention instead, there’s only one thing that might put a damper on my grand adventure down under:  QUESTION AND ANSWER PANELS.
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