Category Archives: fine things


That special noodle time is upon us again when Happy Noodle Boy fans across the world, from land, air or sea, gather under a urine-soaked freeway overpass and celebrate Noodle Boy in the only way they know how – URINATING!

This time we’ve learned our lesson, thanks to your complaints in previous years, and we’ve made the commemorative shirts wearable by human beings instead of just snakes and pigeons!  That’s right, if you’re a person now you can get in on the shirt-wearing action.

This shirt has four holes for your body to stick out from!

The fine folks at Slave Labor Graphics have generously volunteered their fruit rollup machine to print up these excellent, slightly sticky t-shirts for all you NoodleCon attendees to purchase and wear while fighting off ants and fruit-snack loving children.

Can’t attend NoodleCon 2012?  You’re a goddamned asshole!  Whatever your reasons, there’s always the San Diego Comicon where the shirts will also be available at the Slave Labor Graphics booth  #1815.  I’ll even be there to sign the shirts so long as you stand at least ten feet away from me while I’m doing so.  Can’t make it to even that?  No worries, you’ll be able to find the shirts available on SLG’s online store shortly after comicon has come and gone.  We’ll let you know when!

That’s right! We got THAT guy, and that other mushy one!

C2E2 this Weekend.

I’ll be in Chicago for  C2E2 this weekend, ya know?

I’m not entirely sure what to expect as I’ve never been to this convention, but they were nice enough to invite me and I was nice enough to want to revisit some of my favorite Chicago restaurants so I said yes!  I don’t really seem to know anyone on their guest list, and it appears to be more mainstream sorta stuff, so I’ll probably just huddle in the corner and pretend I’m texting people.

Wait…NO I WON’T because JR. Goldberg is going to be there with me, and we’re gonna be the coolest people in the whole convention.  YeahhhH!

We’ll be signing at the Chicago Comics booth, if you’re planning to stop by, and I can’t speak for JR, but I’ll definitely be judging you based on your clothing.  Also, I’ll be signing books, telling stories (no I won’t) and selling a few prints I’ll have with me.

This’ll be the last appearance I’ll be selling JTHM Floor Damage screen prints at before putting the rest up on $Z.99.  There are maybe 80 of the things left, so if you’re in Chicago and want to save on shipping, grab one there.   Other than that I’ll have more of those Johnny headshots that I had in Seattle.

The signing schedule is:

Friday: 4-5 PM
Saturday: 3-6 PM
Sunday 12-3 PM

JR and I have a panel discussion on Friday at 5:15PM in room S401abc. We’ll be there talking about collaborating and being awesome.

$Z.99, JTHM Prints and Upcoming Convention Appearances.

It’s been awhile since I’ve written up an update about pretty much anything, so there’s maybe too much to talk about, but this particular one will focus on just what the hell is up with the $Z.99 store, those JTHM screen prints that’ve been sitting around since December, and some upcoming appearances like Wondercon and Emerald City Comicon.


$Z.99?  Well, it’s CURSED.  CURSED I say.  My webstore has been in various states of functionality for maybe two years now, but it’s never been exactly what it was supposed to be, a place to sell my prints as well as a hub that links to all the other products of mine that are being sold on various other sites on the internet, like the SLG store and the Gallery Nucleus stuff, not to mention the TopatoCo store.

$Z.99 was working alright as the former, just a place to sell some prints , but the site seems to eat up designers and swallow them whole when they attempt to make the site do that other thing.  Basically, I want one relatively seamless experience for visitors, a site where they can buy the things hosted by $Z.99 itself, as well as browse all those other things they’d be able to purchase from other web stores.  Thus far the site has killed maybe 4 designers and driven two others stark raving mad.

Does anyone know any clever, capable designers who want to work for peanuts?  Seriously…these peanuts are fucking incredible.

In the meantime I’m going to be opening up a sort of temporary $Z.99 on Big Cartel or something, a place where people can, until a more polished site can go up, once again just get access to the limited edition prints.


Speaking of prints, this NNY print has been sitting around in my place since December (the original planned month of  re-opening for $Z.99 ), and at first it was pretty cool having them  here because their amazingness was seeping out into their surroundings, making everything more amazing.

Now, however, I’m actually getting a little sick of things being so amazing.  I want a break from how goddamned amazing everything feels.  The trouble is, there’s 200 of these things in a box on s shelf, and though that maybe doesn’t sound like so many when you think of how many fans are out there, having 200 of them all at once is almost sickening.  When they do go up for sale they’ll be $60, signed, and covered in a thick, gelatinous coating of amazing.

The temporary store should be up soon enough and I can start moving them, hopefully, but until then, I’ll be taking a few with me to some upcoming conventions.


Wondercon!  If you’re around Anaheim on the 16 and 17th of this month, come visit the SLG booth at Wondercon, and maybe I’ll be there instead of hiding in the restroom, and if I’m not hiding in the restroom you can pick up one of those JTHM prints.  I’ll probably be there for both days of the con, though I might spend a great deal of it hiding.  In the bathroom.

Emerald City Comicon!  Two conventions in one month.  I swear I didn’t mean for that to happen, but sometimes I just say yes to stuff or plan on going to a convention without really being terribly aware of the dates, so just when I’ll be slowing down with the furious bathing and hand-washing after my two days of going to Wondercon I’ll be in Seattle, signing books and eating food and possibly selling more of the JTHM prints.  I doubt they’ll sell out at Wondercon so there’ll likely be some left for you Seattle types.

SLG won’t be at ECCC, so I’ll be sitting with the far less surly gang of goblins from TopatoCo, who’ve been nice enough to let me hang with them for my stay.


I’m going to Sacramento.

That’s right, I’m attending something called ‘Sac-Con‘ in our fine state capital this very Sunday, and I can’t wait.  Okay, I can wait, but I’ll definitely be there at this convention of sacs.

This is one of those things that, when I tell people I’m attending, I’m met with a bunch of “why are you going to that?” kind of responses.  Sure, it’s a teensy little con out in a place not exactly famed for comics, but the Deftones came from there, so it can’t be all that bad.

It’s actually the second of my “why are you going there?” conventions, the first having been the Comikaze Expo that I did earlier this month.  That one I did because a friend of mine was involved with putting on that particular show, and it was the first big convention that I could actually just walk to, so I figured why not.  It was a little too celebrity/pop culture focused for my tastes, with comics taking a sorta slummy second to everything, but it was fun and big and I met someone from ‘All That’.  I never watched more than a few minutes of All That, but I guess someone will think I’m cool for having sat in a green room with the redhead from that show.

This Sac-Con thing, aside from having a hilariously vulgar sounding name, I agreed to go to for similar reasons.  I was in Sacramento, hangin’ with fellow SLG comics goblin Chris Wisnia, talking to him about a comic idea I wanted his help on, and he asked if I knew so and so and I said yeah so and so, he’s a nice guy!  Turns out so and so puts on a lil comic convention in Sacramento and was wondering if I’d consider showing up.

I generally don’t do too many appearances a year, just Comicon in San Diego usually, but I figured I’d get to hang with some friends in Sacramento and see some people like Rikki Simons (who actually lives in L.A, but only leaves his house for conventions).  Also, the convention will be so small that I’ll strut around like I’m a fucking KING, you hear me?  I’ll point at some kid at his table and his table will burst into flames because I can do that kinda thing, okay?  Maybe I’ll just sit and sign things instead of do that fire thing because you never know what I’m gonna do next even though what I’m gonna do is probably NOT make things burst into flames supernaturally but not because I can’t.

I’ll probably have the remaining mini prints that I took with me to Comikaze Expo, so if you’re into mini prints with robots on them, lemme know and I might fold one up into an airplane and throw it directly into your face in exchange for whatever I want.  Sweet deal, I know.



Robo mini-prints for Comikaze Expo!

As four of you may know, I’ll be at the Comikaze Expo starting tomorrow, November 5-6.  I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing there, but my friend talked me into going and now I kind of hate him, so that’s pretty cool.  I’m a “guest of honor” at the thing, and that means I get to sleep with any man’s wife first on the day of their wedding.

Anyhow, as is my way, I’ll be there with a fresh clutch of customized mini-prints, just out of sight (stuffed down my pants).

This time around it’s a print with robots and an inventor lady who, I’m just gonna guess, makes robots.  Each print is signed and has a custom, leaky, floating, disembodied robot head inked right onto it by one of my body parts (I’m not telling! HEEHEE!)

Same setup as the past couple of times I’ve done this: I’ll have only 30 prints on me, each print is $35 and can be purchased after delivering unto me the password.  The password is secret, so I will tell it to you right now.


What isn’t necessary, but would be greatly appreciated is if you could say it with a kind of easy going, souther drawl as if you were sipping a mint julep and just sitting on that there porch of yours, waiting for the kids to come home only they’ll never come home because you don’t have any only you’ve just gone mad from loneliness and old age.

Also, on the Beep Boop Boop part, maybe you could do a little robot dance.  Yeah.  Yeah…you know what I like.


 If you’re planning on going, I’ll be there Saturday and Sunday signing THINGS and being on panels where I’m just confused and mumbling.  CHECK IT OUT!