Tag Archives: sketch

A Wild Amorphous Horror Appears!


So here’s a sketch.  Been doing a lot of these, these little glimpses of what is clearly the Wall of Memory.  Relaxing as anything can be just drawing this stuff, always has been.  Screw-riddled flesh is as good a gateway to a zen state as anything, I figure.  Some people have a glass of wine before bed, some people sketch writhing horrors.  I’ve got a few piled up now, and I imagine I’ll ink them at some point and then cook them up and eat’em.  Not entirely certain.  I’m sure if I get enough of these done I’ll deposit them somewhere for people to find them, but I’m not quite there yet.

Anyhow, I know I don’t usually just put sketches up all willy nilly, but, like the Wall itself, a little peak can’t hurt.  Maybe I have that completely wrong.

You should probably stop looking.