Writing, comic artists and hornet-pies. OH SHIT!

Holy...mother...of god...

S’been a while since I caught people up on just what it was that was going on up here in my space station that, upon closer examination, is suspiciously like a television box under a bridge.

Look, enough of this chit chat, yeah?  To the infos!

I mentioned on my Twitticus page that I was looking for an artist to collaborate with on a comics project, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.  One of the toughest things about the venture is that, being an artist m’self and having what would be considered a ‘signature’ style (generally defined  by a mess of black ink and vomit), when anyone hears I’m looking for an artist they generally assume I want someone that does pretty much what I’m already known for doing, which isn’t exactly the case.
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Don’t cry for ZIM, he was already dead.

Back in March I spent the month doing a blog post a day covering various aspects of the creation of INVADER ZIM, the greatest animation product ever to be called INVADER ZIM.

What people don’t know, but probably suspected, was that the ZIM marathon going on at the same time on NICKTOONS was part of a sinister plan to test the waters for a possible ZIM invasion.

A part of me hates dispelling that freakishly ugly response in a portion of the fandom that seems to thrive on making up their own  reasons for why the show ended, but an entry like this kind of makes not doing so impossible.

For a quite some time now, there were rumblings at the network of bringing ZIM back to television with new episodes and such.  On my side, it was little bits of information I’d get from friends still working at nickelodeon, people who’d call me up or IM me to speak of an odd little meeting they had with some higher up or other talking about the old show in more than a nostalgic way.
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Bolt Cougher print!

This one is for all you out there who’ve ever wished they could float around in the clouds, spending your days sinking lightning bolts into various heads (also works for wishes involving said wishers’ heads caved in by bolts of lightning).

There was a bit of a preview of this print for the folks that showed up at the SD Comicon, but the final version is upon us thanks to the fine folks over at Gallery Nucleus, hopefully as the first of several ventures to be output by the elves they hire and beat into productivity there.


Bolt cougher actually began life as my section of a collaborative piece with J.R. Goldberg, Mr. Gauky, and Flawn, but after those fine artists all died mysteriously in a mysterious fire, I mysteriously rescued my contribution from the flames just in time, and transformed it into the image known the world round as ‘Bolt Cougher’.

Bolt Cougher is a 19″x13″ giclee print on archival watercolor paper and won’t be a limited run, but the first hundred buyers will get the only signed copies, so if signatures are your thing, be sure to grab one early or all those other people into signatures will torment you in ways only the damned would know.

This image shows you how big the print is compared to a Norton.

I really like doing this type of thing every now and then, and I hope you guys like buying this type of thing as well because people are starting to complain that I should maybe invest in a new pair of pants to replace the garbage bags I use as summerwear.


P.S:  A few people over at the Facebook fanpage were asking if the unsigned prints would have anything special and I had to dash their dreams against the rocks like so many kittens dashed against…the rocks.  Here’s what I told them:

“The unsigned prints, though not visibly altered like the signed ones, will have absorbed my power by sitting in a tiny room with me for up to ten hours. If you squeeze them, you might just be able to extract the “essence” that I “emit” every now and then and have used against me way too often in a court of law. Hope that’s cool enough if you don’t end up with a signed one.”

Know my San Diego Comicon 2010 plans.



This upcoming convention marks my 900th appearance at the San Diego Comicon, and to commemorate this I shall be sitting and signing things for a change.

If you plan on attending this year’s event, and are hoping to have me sign things things in dead silence while I stare down at the table recalling everything that went so so wrong, then this post is for you!

Here’s what you gotta know:
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New shirts for those afflicted with nudity!

If you’re a regular follower on Twitter you’d know that you probably regret adding me on Twitter.  You’d also be familiar with the fact that each month I name my collective followers something new.

I was overwhelmed by the one or two people begging me to make shirts based on these names and so this month marks the beginning of the Twitter Name of the Month Collection.

This month sees the arrival of the FILTHY DICKENS shirts, complete with flies to mark you as just the sort of fragrant type who’d wear the thing.

Rather than going with a print on demand type of thing such as a Cafe Press, Question Sleep, in association with me, in association with nothing sensible, has teamed up with the fine people at TopatoCo to produce these shirts for the month the name is still active.  I’ll tell you why.

Would you pay over 20 bucks for a shirt that says “Filthy Dickens”?  I sure as hell wouldn’t, and I’d feel even worse asking fans of either filth or Dickens to pay it.  Never had any reason to investigate those p.o.d shirt companies, but for something fast and dirty like a name of the month shirt, the costs versus quality were just silly.  Enter TopatoCo and their ability to make much finer quality items at less of a cost to you, the fine, topless reader in serious need of frivolous garments.

Only downside to this is that, since it’s not a print on demand setup, pre-orders have to be made to give them time to make enough shirts for the people that actually want them, limiting the time you can actually buy them to just about a week!  Get your asses over there quickly so you can hover your mouse cursor over the “add to cart” button, decide you’d rather actually “eat this week” and then move on

June’s name of the month, GOATSPLOSION, however, is a special case and will stick around for a bit, as it seems to have captured the hearts and minds of the people, all of them clamoring to own a piece of this awesome band that doesn’t actually exist.  Get your stinkin’ GOATSPLOSION July tour shirts, yeah?  I made that thing with no small amount of help from Eliza Gauger.  We both hope you make our long hours of screaming back and forth at each other over instant messenger worth it.

There’s a hoodie version, you know, if you’re the type with something to hide.

One neat feature of the TopatoCo site is the option to send in photos of yourself wearing their shirts, so be sure to take advantage of that.  I’m not sure, but I think any photos of you wearing GOATSPLOSION stuff require you to be throwing devil horns.

PEE ESS:  The Crazy Vee’s shop on ToptoCo is kind of a separate entity from my $Z.99 shop, selling mostly things related to my Twitter account and such!  $Z.99 is a fancier place, requiring you to wear shoes and already HAVE shirts before entering.