Listen to SquidLid!

That's hardly a squid at all, actually...

My friend James Fisher has been sending me his music ever since I met him when visiting Toronto for a convention. I won’t get into just HOW we met, but let’s just say I’ll never pay for sex ever again.

So I downloaded his latest stuff recently, a new project of his by the name of SquidLid, and haven’t been able to get it out of my head.  Nothing’s better than getting sent other people’s work and NOT hating it to where you have to lie and deceive to spare their feelings.  I do it all the time, I tell people this or that is the greatest thing I have ever seen or heard or paid to have sex with while knowing, deep in my heart, that it’s a terrible thing.

I thought some of you would dig this SquidLid stuff so I asked james if it’d be cool to share some of my favorite bits here on my classy internet place.  The email I got back in response was just a huge jpeg of a Panda Bear which I interpreted as a ‘yes’.

I’m warning you…these two tracks have been in my head for DAYS now.  DAYS.  I’m not joking.  HELP ME.

SQUIDLID – Moustache Whacks

SQUIDLID – It’s Not Timmy

Here’s a video of the Squid Lid guys reflecting light, allowing themselves to be capture on video.

Support good stuff, yeah?

BUY SQUIDLID! (Best option for buying as you can choose which format to download in)


Making the WHITE video

Jimmy Urine and I met, ironically enough, while fighting each other in the future wars despite the true enemy being the machines which had overthrown humanity as the rulers of the Earth, but that’s a story for another day.

What I think more people would be interested in is how and why I made another video for him, this time for the Left Rights’ song ‘WHITE’.  Well, there’s not a whole lot to tell about the why once you get past ‘he asked me to’.  Anyone that’s been through hell and back, quite literally, having dragged the fucker into the time machine with me, having appeared here in the pre-war time with only our lives and our wills to make sure that living nightmare never happens and…fuck, there I go again with that boring stuff.
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ZERO DAY Posters over at TopatoCo

Just like the title says, the Zero Day posters I had available only at last year’s San Diego Comicon are now available for you to tape to your windshields or however it is you guys like to commit suicide.  I dunno.

Ladies and gentlemen: BUGS! BUGS BUGS!

When these sell out, that’s it for this version of the poster.  I can’t count, but the people over at TopatoCo tell me there are around 170 of these guys left, so get them while they’re still hot (being in San Diego made them very hot).

If”n you recall, the poster is a revised version of the album cover I did for MC Frontalot’s Zero Day album. I told Front that when these posters sell out I’d buy him a falafel.  That was last July.  FRONT HAS NOT EATEN SINCE JULY.

Please help his dream come true.

And in case you missed it, also over at the TopatoCo store is the new Meatghost shirt.  What better thing to wrap your poster in than a new shirt?  Probably a lot of stuff, maybe, but I’m going to suggest the shirt anyhow.

MEATGHOST Shirts Now Exist!

Don't pretend your not scared. Come on.

Remember a while back I told you there were Meatghost shirts on the way, and you were so excited you camped out in front of the Best Buy waiting to be the first to buy one?  I didn’t have the heart to tell you they’d just be available online when they were available, and, frankly, I just found it weird and upsetting that you’d just do something like that no questions asked anyhow.

Well, the Meatghost shirts are finally here!  This time it’s an actual thing and not one of the countless, horrible lies I’m constantly firing off at you!  Can you believe it?!

I don’t want to exaggerate the power of these shirts, people, but they can stop death.  I won’t get any further into that, but just know you’ll never die once you wear this shirt.  I’ve said too much.

The first ten million people to buy five shirts each get free nightmares about being chased  by a sentient bulldozer the very night you receive your shirts.

Grab your spectral meat attire over at TopatoCo now!



Rikki Simons’s pumpkin last Halloween was inspired by Meatghost.  Check it out:

BOooOoo! I'm a ghoOOost...made of meat, except it's pumpkin meeeeAaat.

There’s a Con for Invaders, ya know?

Did you know there was a convention dedicated to INVADER ZIM going on soon?  I had heard about INVADERCON last year but didn’t really imagine it being a real thing, more like one of those bazillions of stories I hear about things I’m somewhat connected to only with absolutely no basis in reality.  As it got closer to 2011 it became more and more obvious that it was actually happening and was actually snatching up a few guest appearance from actors, writers and crew like Richard Horvitz, Andy Berman, Rikki Simons and Kevin Manthei, with a special appearance by one of the janitors that would come in at night and clean up all the food that we’d just let fall from our mouths when we were done eating.
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