Shipping doodles.



Pretty awesome, sure, but...

So I’ve been doing these little sharpie doodles on pieces of printer paper to shove into recent shipments from the $Z.99 store.  Right now they’re being sent off with Bioshock prints and JR Goldberg’s Mutiny of the Flesh screen prints.  So most people are getting whatever pops out of my head like the stuff up above, but a very select few will get some of the finest Star Trek fan art ever made by my barely human hands.


It’s kind of like a Golden Ticket to see the Chocolate Factory, only there’s really no prize other than the ticket, or in this case, an almost lifelike reproduction of a Star Trek:TNG character.

Maintain beholding!

Even I’m amazed that this stuff came within me.  It’s just incredible stuff, but nothing, I say NOTHING, comes anywhere close to the heart-busting beauty that is this Worf drawing.  I’d watch my back if I were you, whomever is lucky or cursed enough to get this drawing, because people will be after this piece and they’ll stop at nothing to get it.  GOOD LUCK.



Steakfist’s Escape Into Gallery Nucleus!

First, my Steakfist’s Escape Into Dimension 10 giclee print is now up on Gallery Nucleus’s webstore.  Thanks to everyone who showed up for my signing at their booth to get pick one up.  I like to see what sort of people are attracted to the work I do, and that signing made me pretty certain that I don’t like ANY OF YOUR FACES.  Thanks!  Buy prints, you horrible-headed bastards.

Second, The Bolt Cougher giclee print is now cheaper.  I had been hearing stories from people who were buying prints and not having money left over to feed their children, and was feeling pretty bad about that.


Comic re-prints.

This is a terrible photograph, yeah?

I don’t usually make any mention of re-prints of my comics.  In fact, I don’t recall ever mentioning in in the history of my having done comics, but over the past year, increasingly so, people’ve been asking me as to where they could find an issue of this or that particular series, mainly due to the fact that said issues were out of print and that much harder to locate.

The guys at SLG tell me a couple of those books are now back in print, and I saw the proof at Comicon as I watched people slowly walk up to, say, the hardbound Director’s Cut of JTHM, arms held just in front of them like Indiana Jones trying to figure out if the idol he sees before him is an invitation to glory or a trap.  by the fifth time a fan was felled by a fury of poison darts, I asked Dan Vado if the books being on display at all meant they had been republished and he said yes, so there ya go.

Of the stuff I know that has been re-printed, The trade paperbacks for JTHM, SQUEE!, and the two individual issues of I Feel Sick are among them.







Mini Print for Comicon 2011!`

Here’s the print! I’ll be exchanging 30 of these for shady favors (or $35) at Comicon starting on Friday. Same deal as previous cons, I don’t sell this to anyone unless they utter a particular phrase, in this case “I SHORE WUHD LAHK ONE’A DEM PRINTS.” I’d be glad to hear it in a really nice southern drawl.

Each 8″x 11″ print is signed and has a hand-drawn knife on it, each of them unique to the print. They are hand printed in that I used my hand to turn on the printer.

These little test prints generally sell out at the conventions in a day or two, so they’ll probably not be available afterwards unless some filthy type puts them on ebay for more than I’d wanna pay. This is a trial image for a larger screen print I’ll do, though the image itself will likely be altered a bit for the final version and won’t have the customized aspect.

If you need more info on my comicon doings, read this older post and understand everything!

Know my San Diego Comicon plans.


It’s that time of year again, a time when a man’s fancy turns to bitching about how sweaty everyone around him is and wearing sandwich bags on his hands before shaking anyone’s hand.

Comicon 2011 is upon us once again, people, and that’s just bizarre, isn’t it?  How is it possible for the same year’s comicon to just keep repeating itself?  I don’t know, but that’s not my problem.  Here’s what’s going on there as far as my involvement goes.

1.  Professionally (I’m a professional, ya see)  I’ll be attending from Friday the 22nd to Sunday the 24th.  For the most part I’ll be at the Slave Labor Graphics booth (Booth 1815), but I might be signing at the Gallery Nucleus booth (Booth 2235) on Friday or Sunday as well.  Non-professionally, I am at the convention center year round, as I live in the walls like a stinking rat person, hoarding garbage and eating the end cap pieces of hot dogs.


This one’s just in time for Comicon, so if you’re not there to get one from Slave Labor Graphic’s booth, there’s something just wrong with you and I’m not even sure why I’m still talking to you.  This shirt uses the J’s Not J print image, only in shirt form with a modified color palette.  These are on a truck heading to San Diego and I haven’t even seen them yet, so I hope they’re alright.  Even if they’re not alright, you should probably bring a garbage bag to fill up with all the shirts you’re gonna buy.


Gallery Nucleus is going to doing a new print of mine, and thought it would be nice to have me sign it at its premier at the San Diego Comicon.  I’ll probably make them regret thinking anything will ever be nice ever again, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop by on Friday the 22nd, 1PM (for now) and grab one to get signed.  Or just grab one, really, and don’t get it signed.  Just buy it, don’t make eye contact with anyone, and just sorta skulk off without a word.  That’d be pretty good too.



Signing these for Gallery Nucleus at their booth (2235) on Friday at 1-2 PM.  It’s a fast signing, so try to make it!  Might add another signing for these on Sunday, but not sure yet.


This is just a panel with a few of the artists that did work on Marvel’s Strange Tales anthologies.  I’ll be there mumbling incoherently about my experience working on the MODOK and Wolverine stories I did for them.  I will have some SHOCKING revelations (psst: no I won’t), so don’t miss it!  This is the official blurb from the program guide:

6:00-7:00 A Strange Tale of a Panel: Indie Creators on Marvel’s Strange Tales— Excelsior! Show up early and stay late as some of comics’ best indie creators come out of the closet, revealing themselves as maniacal Marvel madmen. Witness twisted love for some of mainstream comics’ best characters! Forbidden fantasies fulfilled! Shannon “Too Much Coffee Man” Wheeler comes clean about his eco-terrorist Red Skull; Jhonen “The Homicidal Maniac”Vasquez mulls over M.O.D.O.K.; and Jeffrey “Incredible Change-bots” Brownmesses with the Merry Mutants. And more major terrific talents join this core crew, spilling secret stories from Marvel’s Strange Tales. Room 9

It’s going to be amazing, and if it isn’t I was probably just lying about it being amazing.


Not so secret, really, but I can’t say just now what it’ll be as I’m not sure.  If it’s what I think I’m thinking it will be, it’ll be pretty fantastic.  I hope it’s not something awful, really.  Either way, more on this as I get more information out of myself.  This’ll be the usual deal I’ve been doing at conventions for the last year or so where I do a very small run of prints to sell to people who know a particular password that binds them to the print in question.  It’s like a Lord of the Rings situation, only it ends up with the buyer’s (the not very attractive ones anyhow) having to wash my car.

The password to buy this print will be:  “AH SHORE WUD LAHK ONE’A DEM PRINTS”

If you could speak this in a real thick southern accent that would be awesome.  Please try.  As always, these will be going for $35 and all proceeds will go to too much pie in my stomach.

Anyhow, here’s a tiny sliver of a peek in case you’re that: impatient: