- “I…just want…augh…to KILL! Why I…not shoot…Helghast…with…bluuugh…ease?” Rico then comes up, tears in eyes, and shoots you. #
- Just as the Wii was feeling loved after all that HOTD:Overkill, the 360 came back from repairs, kicked it in the crotch and tea-bagged it. #
- Now I generally don’t condone that sort of nonsense, but I had been suffering from Nazi Zombies withdrawal so I let it slide this one time. #
- @rstevens I’m just waiting for The Diamond Age style primers. My genteel lady side needs some serious polish. in reply to rstevens #
- @enicolle It’s true, though. Every single thing SLG puts out officially falls under the category of “SQUEE! stuff”. in reply to enicolle #
- @enicolle Trust me, man. People like that, NOT my minions. But you sure as hell can have fun abusing that character flaw in them! in reply to enicolle #
- @enicolle “Jhonen says that walking into traffic is HEE-LARIOUS.” or “Jhonen thinks jumping the safety barriers at the zoo is AWESOME.” #
- Figures the design team for Mirror’s Edge is Swedish. You want beautifully inhuman, stark utopia, you get yerself some Swedes. Lovely. #
- Haven’t been that in love with a game environment in a long time. A world where people have designed the humanity out of everything. #
- The game actually took me back to my days playing Flashback on the Genesis, that aching feeling for just being someplace “other”. #
- @MyBees PS3 version, and I flew through that game. I can see why a lot of people would have trouble, but they have canned hams for hands. in reply to MyBees #
- I’ve accomplished a lot in my time, but can’t shake the growing dread that I’ll never be given the proper respect I deserve as a gangsta. #
- Again and again I have proven myself in “das hood”, passed all the trials. Have I not slain a Khorgon: the multi-nutted? Am I not mighty? #
- I drink more soothing gangsta-tea than any chumples I know, and yet I am still living on the fringe side of the gangs I yearn to lead. #
- I alone wear sash of fallen homey skins formed of the still screaming faces of those who opposed me, and STILL I am am utterly be-dissed. #
- My “homeboy”, Sleepy Tea, would always be by my side, calming my nerves when “the shit” went down, or when too many “quotations” were used. #
- Did Spooky’s parents have a secret baby and not tell me about it?? http://tinyurl.com/cuerzt #
- Tonight, on a very special episode of A NEW POST. http://tinyurl.com/cyyu9d #
- @SLGPublishing Yep. Everyone knows I started Hot Topic with my own bare feet and made a bunch of idiots dress poorly. My bad, guys. in reply to SLGPublishing #
- @warrenellis I just ate an entire box of Teddy Grahams in EIGHT minutes, and I’d be all sweaty if not for the absorbent layer of crumbs. in reply to warrenellis #
- A great deal of the awesome came from the aural atmosphere dreamed up by Solar Fields. http://tinyurl.com/bb8zd5 #
- Sleepy Tea’s index finger is a spout through which piping hot herbal tea pours. Sleepy Tea has disfigured many a friend. I’m cool so far. #
- Hey, Londoners…ya know, Australia likes me more, apparently, flying me out for a chat. I’m not hurt…just sayin’. Snif… #
- Meant ‘Brits’ instead of Londoners, I did. I was typing while writhing in agony from Sleepy Tea pointing at me. God I love him. #
- Working on a mockup for the Question Sleep site’s webstore. The sawdust in the air from all the designing is killing me. #
- Ugh…cut my thumb on the bandsaw working on a banner image. This just isn’t my thing, man. Not my thing at all. #
- There has got to be an easier way of changing background colors than all of this sanding, right? I’m choking on browser dust. #
- Has everyone noticed that Aaron Alexovich is now using this twitter technology? Fall prey to his charms at @essrose and know his power. #
- @fredrin Uh..muh..guh. When I did it it was nice, but you doing it just looks mean. You’re a monster, man. A monster. in reply to fredrin #
- @fredrin No worries, man. I can see you just fine. I can see…everything…just…fine. in reply to fredrin #
- All the other villains have holed up in cool abandoned amusement parks or toy factories, leaving me with just the old tuna canning plant. #
- @rstevens I just want to go to sleep, but all I have to sleep on is PIZZA. in reply to rstevens #
- Pretty much resigned to commanding the “evil” henchmen to canning tuna, as it’s all they do regardless of what I command. #
- Even in the most diabolical of times, I’m pretty much just overcharging for very regular cans of not at all evil cans of tuna. I dunno, man #
- Fuck. My tuna’s really taking off and I’m legitimately making a living. This isn’t how it was supposed to go at all. #
- @enicolle Dude, there’s a bunch of old ladies and children singing in front of the cannery, thanking me for reviving the town’s economy. in reply to enicolle #