Category Archives: nonsense


I stole this image from Mama’s Sauce’s Instagram feed I’m so cool.

So maybe two months ago I was sitting around with J.R. Goldberg, doing the usual thing you do when passing the time with friends, probably picking lice from her hair, when we started joking around doing drawings of Pikachus that had the opposite effect of what those cute, mindless things usually have on people. This all came shortly after we were doing Google searches for “molester glasses” in the way we’ve all done, so the Pikachu drawings took on some of that grotesque, ‘keep these things away from your loved ones’ kinda vibe.

Well, as usually happens with me, I didn’t leave bad enough alone and we ended up doing a screen print set we are calling ‘CREEPACHU!’, and the results…the results are just very creepachu.

The Creepachus will be sold together in a set of two prints for all three of you out there who like this kind of thing. They were printed up with way too much love and care by the fine printing artisans at Mama’s Sauce. They’ll be available on $Z.99 this month and I’ll let you know when they’re ready for eatin’. Until then just think about how jealous your friends will be when they see these on your walls and scream with what you can maybe interpret as excitement.


NOODLECON Shirts for Everyone!


Holy shit!  They said the day would never come but I didn’t believe them?  Remember how I kept telling you I didn’t believe them and you thought I was crazy to have hope in my heart when everyone was giving up and laughing at me?  Well who’s laughing now, buddy?

Noodlecon shirts are available for everyone now, and not just the people who bought them at the San Diego Comicon!  I know!  It’s impossible, right?  WRONG!  I can prove it to you!  Just throw some money at Slave Labor Graphics and they’ll fire one at you, straight through your wall and into your face.

No, this is not a dream.  This is really happening.

Oh my god, I can’t even keep talking about this.  I’m going to go eat a bowl of these delicious shirts because wearing them isn’t enough.  This shirt has to travel THROUGH me.

Every dollar you spend on these shirts goes straight to my pants.  Okay, it goes to buying pants because I’m not wearing any pants and it’s not pretty.

Please help.


Feel the Power of the Noodlecon Shirt!

Still on the fence as to whether or not you should get the new Noodlecon 2012 shirt for you and your loved ones?  That makes us here at Question Sleep incredibly angry, but we’re also very understanding and want to know you’re a hundred percent confident in your money-wasting decisions…


What better way to see just how much you need this shirt than to show you how much people who already own the shirt are enjoying that very shirt and having their lives changed in ways they could only dream of before joining this exclusive club comprised of everyone else on the planet except for your indecisive self!

Shirt subjects #001 and #002 responding properly to new Noodle shirts.

Those look like happy customers to us!  It was important that they pay because, even though they were helping us in our research, how can we study the effects on customers if our test subjects weren’t doing everything customers do?  They were great sports about it and any guilt we might’ve had just vanished at the sight of the wonderful looks on their faces at being some of the very first people to wear the shirt.

Looking good, guys!

Day 2 and subject #001 isn’t feeling well, spends a great deal of this day sitting in the park trying to work out just what is happening to her.  Subject #002 exhibits a less physical response but is clearly impaired psychologically.  When we caught up with him he was furiously berating beans in a grocery store.


Day 3.  SUCCESS!  We think the case for why these shirts are so amazing is made clear, and if you’re not running for your credit cards then we don’t think the proof exists that’d top what we’ve already laid out for you!

Now we don’t want to go too in depth about the science behind how this modern marvel works, but here’s a quick computer simulation to help demonstrate the basic operation.  It should be obvious that the more people who wear the shirt, the more power is drained out of their bodies and channeled towards a more deserving parasite/beneficiary.  WHAT’RE YOU WAITING FOR?!

The shirts will be available this month from Slave Labor Graphics!



That special noodle time is upon us again when Happy Noodle Boy fans across the world, from land, air or sea, gather under a urine-soaked freeway overpass and celebrate Noodle Boy in the only way they know how – URINATING!

This time we’ve learned our lesson, thanks to your complaints in previous years, and we’ve made the commemorative shirts wearable by human beings instead of just snakes and pigeons!  That’s right, if you’re a person now you can get in on the shirt-wearing action.

This shirt has four holes for your body to stick out from!

The fine folks at Slave Labor Graphics have generously volunteered their fruit rollup machine to print up these excellent, slightly sticky t-shirts for all you NoodleCon attendees to purchase and wear while fighting off ants and fruit-snack loving children.

Can’t attend NoodleCon 2012?  You’re a goddamned asshole!  Whatever your reasons, there’s always the San Diego Comicon where the shirts will also be available at the Slave Labor Graphics booth  #1815.  I’ll even be there to sign the shirts so long as you stand at least ten feet away from me while I’m doing so.  Can’t make it to even that?  No worries, you’ll be able to find the shirts available on SLG’s online store shortly after comicon has come and gone.  We’ll let you know when!

That’s right! We got THAT guy, and that other mushy one!

Beyond The Fringe with Becky Cloonan!

Last month I wrote a two part story for DC’s Beyond The Fringe comics. I’m a big fan of the show so being asked to do this was a nice surprise, and I want to thank Asia Mechikoff from Fringe for asking me to do it and coordinating everything.  DC was pretty helpful, too, and the artists they gave me to pick from were way cooler than I was expecting, and Becky Cloonan was pretty much the top pick, so when she was able to do it I knew this thing would suddenly be way more fun to work on.

Anyhow, it’s up for download right now, so check it out OR DON’T!