So maybe two months ago I was sitting around with J.R. Goldberg, doing the usual thing you do when passing the time with friends, probably picking lice from her hair, when we started joking around doing drawings of Pikachus that had the opposite effect of what those cute, mindless things usually have on people. This all came shortly after we were doing Google searches for “molester glasses” in the way we’ve all done, so the Pikachu drawings took on some of that grotesque, ‘keep these things away from your loved ones’ kinda vibe.
Well, as usually happens with me, I didn’t leave bad enough alone and we ended up doing a screen print set we are calling ‘CREEPACHU!’, and the results…the results are just very creepachu.
The Creepachus will be sold together in a set of two prints for all three of you out there who like this kind of thing. They were printed up with way too much love and care by the fine printing artisans at Mama’s Sauce. They’ll be available on $Z.99 this month and I’ll let you know when they’re ready for eatin’. Until then just think about how jealous your friends will be when they see these on your walls and scream with what you can maybe interpret as excitement.