Category Archives: nonsense

SD Comicon ’13 Report #3


People buying more copies of books people stole from them.

Day two of the con, and I’ve spent a great deal of time looking out my hotel room window ignoring whatever horrific woman I picked up the night before at the 24 hour Subway happens to be waking up in my bed this time, looking down at the giant Ender’s Game tent they’ve set up down in front of the hotel.

“You promised me sandwiches” the monstrous thing behind me kept asking, but my attention was on something several floors down in front of the fan-filled tent. A man, an older gentleman, from what I could tell, who kept carrying people around on his back. At first I thought maybe it was some grandfather hoisting a kid up so they could see something interesting above the heads of the crowd, but it was soon obvious that it wasn’t just the one kid, it was a whole bunch of people who’d climb up on the old guy’s back and do a few erratic laps around on the grass the tent was set up on. One person would get off, another would get on and it was just confusing the hell out of me until I got dressed and left the hotel to walk to the convention.

Heading out from the lobby, I saw stood in front of the Ender’s Game tent and scanned the crowd for the old man and soon enough he came running out from a mass of onlookers.

It was Harrison Ford.

On his back was a delighted, sweating brick of a muscle man dressed as the Scorpion King. Normally the sight of someone dressing as The Scorpion King in 2013 woulda been what got me wondering, but it was the ruddy-faced, wheezing Harrison Ford that had me asking what the hell was going on.

So it turns out, to promote Ender’s Game, that movie’s studio hired Ford to spend the weekend carrying fans on his back making spaceship whooshing sounds so the fans can know what it’s like to be a space academy student or something. I felt awful watching Harrison Ford doing that, but it didn’t stop me from waiting in line three times to ride him.

At the convention, things went the way they usually do. Pretty fun, but also insanely tiring. One of the things I like to do to keep from going off is to not take requests when people ask for sketches. I’ll usually do a quick little doodle if people ask and they have a sweet rack, but often someone will come up and ask for something really specific. I never charge for autographs or little sketches, so when someone gets super detail oriented and just drops a sketchbook in front of me I usually stop them in mid “I want a GIR wearing a Deadpool mask battling Gypsy Danger in the Bahamas” to tell them what I’m actually gonna draw them. I then explain that I have more fun when I just poop something out that even I don’t know what it’s gonna be. Some of my favorite sketches come out of those moments, but usually it’s something shameful.



Everyone’s usually pretty nice about getting stuff like that, and it makes me feel good to disappoint people in a way that makes them smile.

I was mostly alone at the booth as far as other artists went, so for most of the time I had a friend sit with me via Facetime on my phone. This made things awkward at times, however, as I had the phone propped up on the table pretty much at exactly the height as most peoples groins, so now and then I’d bend down to address my friend when, to the fans lined up, it just looked like I was talking to their penises or vaginas or peginases. It didn’t help that, while bending down, I’d say things like “You’re looking reeeal good today, my friend!”

I also learned not to ask friends dressed as Harley Quinn to go get lunch with you because you NEVER get to food because people stop them for photos every three feet. Also, nobody looks cool wearing Google Glasses, but this is the perfect place to wear them because everyone already looks really silly here.




SD Comicon ’13 Report #2


See that picture up there? That’s me right now, me sitting front of a room service hamburger I paid three hundred dollars for. I’m just wrecked from the whole ordeal of getting from my house to this hotel room, so I’m pretty much just hiding in here, looking out the window and seeing the people down below having fun and not hiding with hamburgers at all.

The drive would normally take 2 hours, 3 with some bad traffic, but because of the convention exacerbating general rush hour traffic, today’s drive took 56 hours and a few minutes.

As far as I’m concerned, the convention already peaked and hadn’t even gotten to it yet, the reason being I passed the motherfuckin’ WEINERMOBILE. That’s right. What’s left to be impressed by when something like that’s happened? Nothing, lemme tell you. I should just kill myself already.


The Fuckin Weiner Fuckin Mo-Fuckin-Bile.

Though I did go into the convention hall today, I really only ran in to drop off some prints for the SLG booth to display because if I drop below 50mph I explode. Had no signings today, so I did a cursory circuit around the convention floor to say hi to various friends and do flying kicks into the faces of various enemies.


The stunning view from the SLG booth.

Not everything was so bad, however. I was happy to see that SLG had some new shirts of mine, two versions of an old Johnny print I did some time ago. They turned out alright and you can hardly tell they’re printed on burlap at all.

IMG_3564A girl wearing all black, browsing the SLG booth noticed me taking this photo, but she didn’t know who I was. I asked her what she thought of the shirts, and the girl said she wasn’t too fond of them because they didn’t come in black. I thought of some witty, cutting remark to throw at her, something like “Yeah!” or “If you like black so much why don’t you marry my shoes because they’re black, am I right?”, but instead I just nodded and punched her in her stupid eyes.

So not too much to report for today. This con will probably be one of the quiter ones for me, so I’m not sure I’ll have anything too amazing to tell you at all, but there are still a few things I wanna check off my list, not the least of which is having sex with two pikachus at once. Well, until then!

SD Comicon ’13 report #1

Feeling awful. Coming out of hypersleep the way I did I can expect for the effects to last all weekend. Had terrible dreams…dreamed I was going to Comicon.

Sitting here, drinking my tea, everything looks strange to me, most likely from my not usually waking up this early. The moon looks unusually bright and on fire this early, and I can’t see the stars at all.

Today’s preview day, and I’m gonna try to get to San Diego early enough to pick up my badge and shield belt. I figure I’ll be in traffic two, maybe three hours, so I’m bringing an empty Lucky Charms box to use as a restroom should I need one.

They’re strapping me into my car now, and the engines are starting up. Time to hit the road, although really, my car is already making contact with it, but you know what I mean. Okay, they’re telling me to stay real still for the takeoff.




My First Podcast

dass bettuh...

I was on The Indoor Kids gaming podcast! I literally don’t stop yammering about who the hell knows what (that’s how I recall recording this anyhow). I don’t think I mention any smaller games I’ve been playing because my Colonial Marines sadness was still fresh in my brain. Also, I wish I had never attended that party where that guy I never met took that awful photo of me and uploaded it to Wikipedia because it’s sorta the go-to photo to use for people who want to remind me that people take terrible photos of me, or that maybe I’m just terrible.

Just click on the image above to go to the podcast, or find it on itunes or I just don’t know, I can’t keep telling you how to live your life, man.




Dead Space 3 victory comic


Finished Dead Space 3. I don’t know that I ever need to play another Dead Space game ever again, but I loved getting through this many of them and feel content to remember all the breathtaking badassery experienced.

Drew this right after in honor of mashing the goddamned RB button on my controller to mash open containers for years and years.