Remember when the world was young, you still had hope in your hearts and a certain terrifying King of Pop still scuttled amongst us? The year was 2008, and the place was this very Mindspill, where we all gathered with love and joy in our hearts to celebrate the commencement of the very first (and thus far ONLY) DEATHMATCH.
The plan, back in those innocent early days, was to have people submit artwork based on certain guidelines per contest that they might win such incredible prizes as posters and the freedom of their loved ones. Well, a lot more time than was expected has passed and those loved ones are just cartoon skeletons dangling from chains in what is now a storage room.
Let’s not get hung up on whose fault it is that it’s taken so long for me to actually come back to the DEATHMATCH judging, though, yeah? I mean, it’s probably your fault, and I’m okay with that, so if I can be so big as to let that offense go then so can you. Good.
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